WWE's Stephanie McMahon Set To Release Memoir In 2020

But is this 'best for business', though?

Stephanie McMahon

After much delay, Stephanie McMahon is set to finally release her memoir.

Mike Johnson of PWInsider.com confirmed that her book, UNREAL: Inside the Crazy, Fun Show Business World of WWE, will be published in August 2020 by Regan Arts Publishing.

The book had originally been set for a release back in September 2016 but was pushed back, with McMahon commenting on Twitter:


It would seem that 'one day' will finally be arriving in August next year, and while that will result in a near four-year delay from the initial release date, you could argue it's a delay that will only benefit the quality of the book.


In that time, the rise of the women's evolution has been meteoric. We've seen two Mae Young Classics, a (not-so-Fabulous Moolah) WrestleMania Women's Battle Royal, an all-women's PPV in Evolution and an all-women main event at WrestleMania 35.

With Stephanie McMahon having been the poster girl for this movement - both in and out of kayfabe - you'd have to assume that it will feature heavily in the memoir.


So while you can undoubtedly expect never-before-told stories about the industry and potential inside scoops on Triple H and Vince McMahon...

... you can probably also look forward to a detailed explanation of how Stephanie McMahon invented women’s wrestling.


Never had the makings of a varsity athlete. Produces content for WhatCulture Wrestling and talks himself hoarse about a talking horse on Podcast Horseman.