Every WWE SmackDown Go-Home WrestleMania Shot Ever

You never get a second chance to make a last impression... again.

SmackDown Live,

Following on from our gallery of Every WWE Raw Go-Home Shot Before WrestleMania, it only seemed right that we give the blue brand a similar treatment.

After its first official episode back on August 26th, 1999, SmackDown would - by proxy - become the go-home show before WrestleMania. Forever destined to come after Monday Night Raw on the weekly TV schedule, SmackDown has delivered the final moments of build from WrestleMania 2000 onwards, providing fans with some iconic closing imagery in the twenty years that have followed.

Fortunately, unlike Monday Night Raw, SmackDown had the luxury of learning from seven years of trial-and-error on the red brand, ensuring they were more than equipped to deliver that all-important go-home moment that would keep fans on their toes until WrestleMania arrived the following Sunday.

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Never had the makings of a varsity athlete. Produces content for WhatCulture Wrestling and talks himself hoarse about a talking horse on Podcast Horseman.