Every WWE Raw Go-Home WrestleMania Shot Ever

You never get a second chance to make a last impression...

Monday Night Raw 2014

As WWE has evolved throughout the years, so too have its production values, most notably on their longest-running weekly episodic TV show, Monday Night Raw.

Never has that been truer than on the road to WrestleMania, and one feature that WWE have focused on developing in particular over the years is that one, final, closing shot on the go-home Raw before 'The Show of Shows'.

Realising it's their last chance to really emphasise the importance of a storyline, the momentum of a performer or the potential outcome of a match, the company have conditioned the WWE Universe to hold stock in those closing moments, leaving fans with one last image as they await the inevitable pay off on the following Sunday.

While there have been an incredible thirty-four WrestleManias as of this writing, not all of them were preceded by an episode of Monday Night Raw. The first ever WrestleMania followed on from MTV's 'War To Settle The Score' event, while 'Manias 2-VIII came after episodes of 'Superstars of Wrestling', 'Saturday Night's Main Event' and 'Prime Time Wrestling', respectively.

It wouldn't be until WrestleMania IX that we'd get the very first go-home episode of Monday Night Raw before 'Mania - back on March 22, 1993 - and since then there's been twenty-seven of those unique, final moments to close out the show.

However, it should also be noted that technically SmackDown would become the show that provided 'Mania's go-home shot from WrestleMania 2000 onwards, but during the brand split years, those shots would provide a key individual moment for Raw and SmackDown's biggest storylines.

Now as you can imagine, some of these have been far more impactful than others - and as you'll soon realise, it took them a few goes before they realised its full potential - but compiling them into a collection and comparing them side-by-side makes for some very interesting viewing...


Never had the makings of a varsity athlete. Produces content for WhatCulture Wrestling and talks himself hoarse about a talking horse on Podcast Horseman.