11 Heroic Comic Book Characters More Powerful Than Superman

1. Odin (Marvel Comics)

Odin Marvel Thor (who is generally around the same power level as Superman, apart from being substantially slower) has a father who goes by the name of Odin - as most people know. Odin could smash the living hell out of Superman. As a side effect of some of Odin's more destructive battles, entire galaxies have been destroyed. Yes, you did indeed read that correctly; the collateral damage when Odin fights can be to the extent that entire galaxies are destroyed. So that's not even the full level of his powers - he's not directing his attacks at the galaxies - he's directing them at his opponent (for example Set, the serpent god) but the impact of the attacks destroys the very galaxies around him. The man has also gone toe-to-toe with the likes of Galactus in a one-on-one battle. That's correct; Galactus. The fellow who eats planets for lunch. He is far more durable than Superman, far stronger and possesses a host of esoteric abilities such as telepathy, energy blasts and manipulation, illusion casting, molecular manipulation and the creation of forcefields. He is a Skyfather - a being of a level well above that of Superman and he could literally let Superman wail on him all day without receiving so much as a scratch.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.