11 Heroic Comic Book Characters More Powerful Than Superman

2. Sentry (Marvel Comics)

sentry Sentry is insanely powerful. The only thing he is inferior to Superman with regard to is his speed - but that doesn't matter at all. To illustrate why, I will simply list some of the crazy feats of power Sentry has carried out... Sentry is said to have fought Galactus to a stalemate €“ Galactus being the devourer of planets and a character capable of destroying galaxies. If he can even come close to doing that, fighting Superman would be a cakewalk. He has defeated the Molecule Man at his own game (matter manipulation) €“ and bearing in mind Molecule Man is a MASSIVELY powerful character, this is no mean feat. It essentially means that he could turn Superman into a pencil. Strength-wise, he's powered through the Crimson Bands €“ a powerful magic restraining spell which the likes of the Hulk have failed to escape from - and, with one hand, casually stopped a swing of Terrax's axe-wielding hands - the same attack that has destroyed a planet before - which is also a crazy feat of durability that proves nothing that Superman could physically do to him would hurt him. He has destroyed a planet with his energy flares, which can also be seen in the normal world whilst he is in a microverse, which is an INSANE feat of power. A single wide-angled energy blast against Superman would kill the Kryptonian outright.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.