10 Video Game Villains Who Were Secretly Your Ally All Along

9. Father - Fallout 4

the quarry game

The main antagonists of Fallout 4 are the Institute, a mysterious collective of scientists who experiment on the Commonwealth with the help of their human-like synths.

No matter where you go in Fallout 4, people talk about how evil the institute is. The group replaces random citizens with their synthetic agents, razes entire settlements in search of salvage, and, in general, sows chaos and paranoia in the entire region.

However, when your character infiltrates the institute, it turns out their leader, Father, has actually been on your side the entire time.

Spoiler alert for those who didn’t play the game: The institute's chief director is actually your son, Shaun. Though, due to some cryogenic malarky, he’s now older than you, he is indeed your lost child, and when you meet him, he reveals that he was the one who freed you from hibernation to see what you would do.

Shaun never tried to harm your character, and his goal was always to reunite you two so that you could replace him as the institute's leader.

And yes, while it’s hard to tell what his true intentions are, you have to admit, it’s pretty sweet of him to make his parents the directors of his futuristic science bunker.

In this post: 
The Quarry
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Just you average guy who loves to write, travel, and write while travelling.