10 Video Game Villains Who Were Secretly Your Ally All Along

8. Xardas - Gothic

the quarry game

Gothic, the 2001 action role-playing game, allows the player to join three rival factions that have formed inside the magically sealed penal colony where the story takes place. Each has its own agenda that usually clashes with the goals of the others, and yet they all unanimously agree on one thing: that Xardas is not someone to be trifled with.

Throughout the game, the mages inside the colony tell the player of the evils of necromancy and of Xardas, a renegade mage who betrayed his circle in order to pursue the dark arts and apparently lives inside the seal as well.

You’re led to believe that Xardas is some evil villain who you’ll have to fight at some point, but when the leader of the old camp finally murders all the fire mages, you end up looking to him for help.

It is then revealed that, despite worshipping a literal god of evil, Xardas is actually a pretty chill guy. Like other people in the colony, his goal is to destroy the magic seal and stop the powerful demon slumbering beneath it.

The old wizard is incredibly helpful, and he even saves the main character in the sequel.

Who said necromancers can’t make good friends?

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The Quarry
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Just you average guy who loves to write, travel, and write while travelling.