10 Times Video Games Lied To Your Face

No. They won't remember that.

dark pictures anthology little hope
Supermassive Games

Video games lie. Unless you're younger than five, this fact shouldn't be all too mind-blowing to you.

Since every game at its core consists of ones and zeros and if-else statements, they wouldn't be able to immerse you in their world without disguising at least some parts of their programmed nature.

However, while no reasonable person has a problem with this kind of concealment, some games take their sweet little lies even further - by fooling you into believing they possess a feature that simply isn't there.

Some games lie by giving you an illusion of choice, some lie about having multiple endings, and some lie to fool you into thinking your actions have consequences.

But no matter what the case may be, one thing is always true: the most dishonest titles do it right in your face. You just don't notice it because they know how to disguise their lies with a clever illusion of the feature they promised you.

Watch out for the deceptions in the following games. You don't want to fall for their sneaky schemes.

10. No One Actually Dies - Little Hope

dark pictures anthology little hope
Bandai Namco Entertainment

Little Hope is considered to be the worst title in Supermassive Games' Dark Pictures Anthology series. The reason for this is the game's ending, which reveals, spolier alert, that none of the choices you've made throughout the story mattered.

The big "spooky" twist of Little Hope is that all but one character were just figments of the imagination of the protagonist, Andrew, and your hard fight for their survival was happening entirely in his head as a means of processing the guilt of killing the other characters in a car crash.

So what's the point of keeping them alive? You might be thinking that maybe the more of Andrew's imaginary friends you save, the better he copes with his past, but no. There are only two endings in the game, and they are determined by whether or not you were nice to the only other real character in the story, a random stranger named Vince.

How you treat Vince determines whether he calls the cops on you or not at the end of the story. All that struggle with survival and fending off demons? Completely irrelevant.

When only a few minutes of your five-hour game matter, the rug-pull probably wasn't going to be worth it.

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Just you average guy who loves to write, travel, and write while travelling.