10 Times Video Games Lied To Your Face

9. But Thou Must! - Dragon Quest

dark pictures anthology little hope
Square Enix

Dragon Quest is a series of JRPG games that are especially popular in Japan. The franchise has a long history that precedes even some of the most popular JRPG titles out there and has established a lot of the genre’s tropes.

Including the most annoying one of them all - fake choices.

It all started with the first Dragon Quest game, in which a princess asks the player if they love her, and if they answer no, she tells them "but thou must" and asks them the question again.

This little gag became the foundation for Dragon Quest’s tradition of fake choices. Ever since, each Dragon Quest title has included at least one “yes and no” question that, no matter how you answer, the game will force you to give it the answer it wants anyway.

This charade has gone on for so long that, even though this cliché can get pretty annoying in other franchises, most Dragon Quest players have grown to enjoy its appearance in the series.

It’s a tradition. A tradition of lies and deceit, but a tradition nonetheless.

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Just you average guy who loves to write, travel, and write while travelling.