10 Movies Killed By God-Awful Trailers

9. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Mummy Trailer
Sony Pictures Releasing

To ensure butts are firmly in seats, movie studios ensure their trailers are drenched in content.

And few films exemplify this fact more than The Amazing Spider-Man 2. This three-minute clip has it all... and that's not a compliment. This trailer literally shows everything. The money shots. The best lines. The funniest moments. How each baddie transforms into a supervillain. The final battle. The romantic subplot. The other subplot revolving around Peter's father which nobody cares about. The Sinister Six spin-off that still hasn't materialised. And a couple of cut scenes for good measure.

Although a lot of critics harp on the fact this trailers reveals the movie's final frame, that's not the worst part. Because Gwen Stacy's death was supposed to be a shocking twist, the filmmakers should've done everything in their power to ensure this plot point was kept secret.

Instead, The Amazing Spider-Man 2's trailer shows Gwen falling to her death and Spidey trying to catch her. And just to ensure EVERYBODY knew Gwen's fate, the promos shows the character dressed in the Exact Same Clothes she wore in the comics when she was murdered.


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