Zack Snyder


You'll Never Get 100% On This IMPOSSIBLE Zack Snyder Quiz

You'll need an obsessive knowledge of the man's filmography to get 100% on this quiz.
By Christopher Weaver

10 Army Of The Dead Easter Eggs You Totally Missed

Take a look at these hidden cinematic gems in Zack Snyder's latest zombie opus.
By David Ng'ethe

Army Of The Dead: 10 Most Savage Deaths Ranked

Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead is brutal with a capital B.
By Robert Hill

Every Zack Snyder Movie Ranked From Worst To Best

From Dawn of the Dead to Army of the Dead.
By Jack Pooley

Army Of The Dead: 9 Stupid Blunders That Completely Ruined It

A howlingly awful Netflix Original.
By Robin Baxter

Zack Snyder Wants Amy Adams For Female Version Of The Wrestler Movie

Snyder wants his Lois Lane to star in a bodybuilding film similar to Aronofsky’s 2008 movie.
By Andrew Pollard

10 Scenes That Could Have Been Cut From Zack Snyder's Justice League

Martian Manhunter, The Knightmare & more that could have been cut from Justice League!
By James Egan

Justice League Zack Snyder Cut: 10 Amazing Additions That Delivered Everything It Promised

A truly fantastic Snyder Cut proves how absolutely flawed the theatrical release truly was.
By Jacob Reinhard

Zack Snyder's Justice League Review: 7 Ups & 6 Downs

Zack Snyder takes back control of his controversial superhero epic.
By Jack Pooley

10 Directors Who Never Topped Their First Film

Those directors who never managed to quite top the quality of their very first feature film.
By Andrew Pollard