WWE Planning Major Production Overhaul For SmackDown?!

This week's SmackDown saw WWE add new set design and production elements.

Kevin Owens Austin Theory WWE SmackDown

WWE introduced a fresh new look for SmackDown on this week's show, but it remains to be seen whether or not the company will go all in or if they're just experimenting heading into Survivor Series: WarGames.

Yellow, orange and red complemented the traditional blue and white aesthetic on Friday night. Orange, in particular, was splashed throughout all production assets, including on-stage and via the LED ring skirts/crawlers on the tiered seating.


Weirdly, the announce desk was one of the only elements that didn't receive a slight makeover. That looked exactly the same as it always has done, and it's pretty odd WWE didn't splash some new colours on there too.

Is SmackDown set for a major overhaul in the new year? It's possible. The 'B' show has used largely the same colour scheme since 1999, so Triple H may fancy shaking things up and seeing if people will embrace a new look.


Some on socials are already pointing out that going orange/yellow/red might make SmackDown a little too similar to Raw's current red look. That's arguable, but nobody can blame WWE for trying to freshen things up.

Stay tuned.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.