The Office


10 More TV Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

Those hints, clues, and details that subtly foreshadowed or revealed huge TV secrets.
By Gareth Morgan

The Office: The Progressively Weirder Did Michael Scott Or Dwight Schrute Say It Quiz

Let's see if you can identify who said each of these progressively weirder quotes!
By Jen Gallie

The Office Quiz: Who Said It - Pam Or Karen?

Can you tell Jim's lovers apart from just their quotes alone?
By Laura Holmes

The Office: The Progressively Weirder Michael Scott Or Dwight Schrute Quiz

Do you remember if it was Dwight or Michael who built a Doomsday Machine?
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Harder Who Did It Quiz

Will you prove that you are the expert when it comes to all the things The Office?
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Ultimate Michael Scott True Or False Quiz

Will you prove you know all there is to know about The Office's Michael Scott?
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Did Jim Halpert Say It Quiz

Was Jim Halpert or Dwight Shrute the self-proclaimed "black belt in gift wrapping?"
By Jen Gallie

The Office: The Progressively Easier Did Dwight Schrute Say It Quiz

Will you prove yourself to be the expert on The Office's Dwight Schrute?
By Jen Gallie

The Office The Progressively Easier Did Michael Scott Say It Quiz

Will you score 100% on this ultimate Michael Scott quotes quiz? Let's find out!
By Jen Gallie

The Office Quiz: Which Character Appeared In The Most Episodes?

Will you be able to prove you know everything that there is to know about The Office?
By Jen Gallie