The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Huge Rumours You Need To Know

1. Next-Gen Only

The industry is in a weird state at the minute as games themselves have higher budgets than ever before to even get out the door, yet everyone with a new console is wishing for exclusive experiences only those can deliver.

The problem with that, is the best way to recoup funds on a moon-slapping sky-high budget is to tap back into the established console-base from last generation. There are far more PS3s and Xbox 360s in the world than the newer hardware, and with the only noticeable downgrade being graphics instead of gameplay, many would take the hit for the sake of saving their cash.

What Bethesda needs to do - which might seem somewhat obvious - is create a landmark title that exudes qualities only possible on the new machines, in every way.

Out of everything released so far there's only been Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis system that was a gameplay innovation literally impossible on older machines, with everything else being far more polished versions of what's already been.

If there's any developer that can bank on their reputation and really sell that feeling of expansive scope and jaw-dropping visuals right off the bat it's Bethesda, and there's no better time to act on that than this year.

What have you heard about Elder Scrolls VI and what are you looking forward to? Let us know in the comments!

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