The Big Bang Theory: The Ultimate Costume Quiz

Only the biggest fans of The Big Bang Theory know who it was that owned a Lieutenant Uhura uniform.

The Big Bang Theory Sheldon The Flash

Halloween is fast approaching which means everyone will be starting to think about costumes they will wear. With Barbie, Spider-Man and Wednesday Adams some of the most popular costumes searched for this year, we can expect to see some fun themes this year.

One group that always loved to plan their Halloween costumes was The Big Bang Theory gang. They always had a creative and elaborate costumes planned for the Halloween season.

It wasn't just Halloween that the group would dress up for. There was the group costume contest at the comic book store, when they took photos of themselves dressed as Star Trek: Next Generation characters or when they dressed as princesses at Disneyland.

With so many fun costumes they've worn and owned over the years, it would take a true fan of The Big Bang Theory to remember them all.

This quiz features 12 costumes that the gang have had over the years, all you have to do is identify whose it was.

Can you remember who dressed as Sleeping Beauty? Do you know who it was that owned a Lieutenant Uhura uniform?

Let's see of you can work out who dressed in each of these costumes!

1. Who Dressed As Captain Jean Luc Picard?


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.