Star Wars: 9 Secrets Of The Ghost Ship You Need To Know

8. The Ghost's Cockpit Was Inspired By A Real-Life Boeing Flying Fortress

Star Wars Hera Ghost

Throughout both the Rebels and Ahsoka Star Wars adventures, a ton of time is spent chilling with the likes of Hera Syndulla, Chopper, and other Spectres in the cockpit of the trusty Ghost.

And those who know a thing or two about their real-life aircraft may have actually found something bizarrely familiar about this location whenever Hera could be seen piloting her ship.

That's because, according to the co-author of Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Warfare, Paul Urquhart, this particular cockpit was actually largely inspired by the one found within a real-world Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress.

Said plane was a four-engined heavy bomber used by the United States Army Air Corps in the 1930s, and this vehicle was said to have dropped the most bombs of any aircraft in WWII.

So, there you have it, the place you could regularly find Syndulla and her co-pilot screaming at each other in ultimately resembled the cockpit of a genuine warplane from back in the day.

And speaking of this specific section of the Ghost...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...