Man of Steel: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

1. Henry Cavill€™s Superman

You have to cast an unknown when you cast Superman, it€™s a rule. Christopher Reeve was a relative unknown when he donned the blue tights, as was Brandon Routh when he had a crack at it and Cavill, despite a minor presence in cinema and TV, has won the role very early on in his career. I€™m always happy to see a young Brit come good, and you can€™t come much better than landing the role of Superman €“ provided Bryan Singer isn€™t at the helm of course. I€™m excited to see what this new Superman has in store for us, but if there€™s one thing we can glean from the trailers, it€™s that Cavill is an awesome likeness, particularly to the character as drawn by Alex Ross. Who knows really what Cavill will ultimately bring to the role; we€™ve seen too little at this stage to properly gauge. That being said, so far, I€™m extremely excited by what I€™ve seen, and I can€™t help but enter in to the hype. There are plenty of reasons we should all be excited by the Man of Steel; I capped myself at ten but don't think for a second that's the end of the lsit. Are you excited for The Man of Steel in 2013? Why not share it with us below.

Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.