Fallout 4: 9 Ways You're Playing It Wrong

1. Stick To Your Decisions

And with that said about trying out decisions you wouldn't normally make, if they end up blowing up in your face, don't ever restart from a previous save so you can right your wrongs. While this might have become a habit through years of playing RPGs, sticking to your decisions and facing the consequences can change your gaming experience radically. Of course, that's not to say you can't keep a save file before pivotal moments in order to come back to it and pursue that alternate branch of the story later. But that second go through should be entirely separate from the first, not something that will replace it. Overall, not changing the choices you make in a game like Fallout can leave you with some of the most poignant, regretful and heartfelt moments that video games have to offer - and those feelings are much more impactful than just getting your own way in every set-piece.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3