Every Star Trek Series Ranked Worst To Best

7. Discovery

Every Star Trek Series

Discovery is a show that is improving rapidly. The very shaky first season was succeeded by the wonderful second season. It is by no means the only Star Trek entry to have a rough first year, which seems to have become almost a tradition in the franchise (with one notable exception). The effects are stunning in the show and it benefits from the shorter seasons, allowing for a punchier story delivery and suiting the action well.

However, while this issue has largely been rectified by the end of the second season, Discovery was rather hollow at times. Characters that should have been given more time to breathe were instead fired at the screen with the confidence that the audience would love them regardless. With Saru, this worked in the first season. With Burnham, it did not. In fact, it was very late in the day before Burnham truly became a sympathetic character.

That being said, the show's bold choice to rocket the crew into the far future may end up being one of the best decisions that has been made in the franchise to date. This is not simply to quell the fears of the purists who worry slavishly about canon. This opens up the arena for a level of storytelling not seen since Kirk's first five year mission.

Discovery has truly sailed into the unknown and should the gamble pay off, a future version of this list may well see it shoot ahead in the rankings.

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Writer. Reader. Podcast Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check out my weekly podcast on all things....well all things film! Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick or at the website https://seanferrick.wordpress.com/