CM Punk Goes Unpredictable Route In First WWE Promo In 10 Years

Mercurial superstar gets live mic on Raw for first time since walking out, and says...

CM Punk

When CM Punk left WWE in January 2014, it was under a cloud of controversy, anger and frustration. During the next nine-plus years, Punk blasted the company for making him mentally and physically unwell and swore he'd never return.

Handed a live mic on Raw Monday night in his first WWE promo in nearly 10 years, Punk cut loose with two words: "I'm home."

Punk insisted to fans that he's changed -- the same guy who told AEW fans in June he was "tired of being nice" -- and that WWE is "where I belong." He name-dropped his wife, former WWE superstar AJ Lee. He repeatedly thanked the fans for never forgetting him, dropped a veiled Paul Heyman reference, and said his return at Survivor Series was "like a family reunion" backstage with everyone hugging him -- or at least almost everyone.


Anyone who wasn't happy to see him were "afraid of the truth" that Punk really is the best in the world and that no one can touch him. He's set the bar to unattainable levels and has the brass ring in his back pocket.


That was about as controversial as Punk's return promo got, taking a few generic swipes at anyone who thought they occupied the top spot in the company. Hearing Punk all but simp for WWE might have popped fans in attendance Monday, but it had to confuse others who know better.

Very likely, Punk was pulling the wool over people's eyes by saying he was just happy being "home" in WWE, and at some point, he'll verbally pull the rug out from under them. "Happy to be here" CM Punk doesn't exactly sound like the guy fans saw in AEW the past two years, or even the guy who walked out of WWE a decade ago.


Monday's promo -- which will be dissected 1,000 ways by everyone with an internet connection -- was a really intriguing decision, and it will be interesting to see how far they go down this path. For now though, fans will be hanging on every word, waiting for what comes next.

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CM Punk
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Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.