9 Dark Video Game Secrets You DON'T Want To Find

2. The Poisoned Family - Red Dead Redemption 2

red dead redemption 2

When it comes to the most chilling things you can happen upon in a video game, Red Dead Redemption 2 is just the gift that keeps on giving so they’ve snuck in another entry that’s just as if not more horrifying than the last.

If you’re able to just enjoy the environmental storytelling here and not find this incredibly scarring you’ll probably appreciate this one but it’s a big ask to overlook how dark it is.

East of Emerald Station and West of Kamassa River you can find a place called Osmans Grove and this little area holds a pretty terrible sight for those who dare to investigate a certain cabin. Inside you’ll find an entire family dead including their young children and there appears to be some gas in the air. The best guess for most players is that the family died from carbon monoxide poisoning via exhaust from the stove pipe as they appear to have just finished a meal and died wherever they stood.

Pretty blood grim, Red Dead. Very on brand.


Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.