9 Dark Video Game Secrets You DON'T Want To Find

1. The Truth About Handymen - BioShock Infinite

Bioshock Infinite Handyman
Irrational Games

There are many enemy types in video games whose backstory is much deeper and darker than you’d know. Half Life’s Headcrab Zombies are a popular example of this and BioShock Infinite’s Handymen fall into the same unsettling category. If you didn’t dig any deeper you probably just know the Handymen as the hulking half-man, half-mech brutes who can really mess you up in a combat arena if you get on the wrong side of them.

Because of how much trouble they can be in a fight you might not have a tonne of sympathy for them but you really should.

That’s because further investigation in Infinite and the Burial at Sea DLC reveals that Handymen are unwilling humans, often the sick or disabled, who have been forced into these hybrid bodies. It’s revealed that they are in constant pain, they can’t sleep, and are ostracised from society, all of which causes their outbursts of rage. In battle they’ll cry out telling you they’re in pain, suggesting the marvel that is their hybrid technology bodies aren’t so effective after all.

The reality of how Handymen are made and why they act the way they do is so damn dark you might feel like you were better off just seeing them as Infinite’s response to the Big Daddy.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.