9 Annoying Video Game Moments You Hated

Just like life, video games aren't always that simple.

By Ben-Roy Turner /


Not everything can be perfect, and this is especially true when it comes to video games. Throughout the generations, we’ve been treated to almost every conceivable concept imaginable, from becoming a dolphin on the Sega Megadrive to controlling a piece of sentient bread in the past decade.


But they are really just two of the extremes possible when honestly, most titles can be boiled down to a person with a gun, shooting more persons with many more guns. Somehow this has le to countless moments that have left their mark on players, whether they be gameplay or narrative-driven. We’re lucky enough to have something for everyone.

So that, of course, means there are bound to be many moments that grind players gears and cause them to question what they are doing with themselves - why they took up this pass time and is it really worth it to continue?
