8 Wrestlers WWE Will Sign In 2024

7. Elias


Elias/Ezekiel/Whatever he might be called next will always get a look-in too, if only because he'd be handy for hosting promo segments again. Yes, that would be a pretty lame reason to re-sign somebody, but WWE adores those talking head bits like Miz TV, The Grayson Waller Effect etc. Surely Elias could get some sort of musical-inspired segment of his own?

Just throwing that out there.

Eli has already shown his chops when presenting such skits. He was interrupted for years by other workers, and found himself commonly used to get other folks over rather than himself. It's a role not many would embrace, but the guitar-playing worker always seemed content to get on with things.

No, Elias may never be World Champion level, but he could be a handy veteran-style addition to the roster in 2024. Another 12-18 month run as a "leg up" heel for undercard babyfaces would suit the guy well. Time to "Walk With Elias" all over again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.