8 Music Videos So Nasty They Were Banned

Believe it or not, sometimes censorship really is for the best.

There's a lot of emphasis placed on the freedom of speech in democratic countries, and rightfully so. It's one of the most hotly debated topics in the United States because it's viewed as the basic cornerstone of society. We all have the right to mostly say whatever we want, so long as it's not inflammatory or threatening or perjury or...well, you get it. There are some restraints. And there are even more restraints when it comes to commercialized freedom of speech. For instance, if a particular theater wants to refuse to show a movie that the owner believes to be offensive or hateful, they're allowed to do so, just as individuals are allowed to picket said theater for the censorship. Yay freedom! So when MTV or Youtube or any other proprietor of music videos opts to banish an artist's work from their station, they're well within their rights to do so. Sometimes it's for objectively silly reasons (i.e. showing too much of a boob) while other times, as it turns out, it's to stop viewers from being traumatized by the horrors an artist wanted to inflict upon a confused public. For, as you see, is not only unsuitable for children...it's unsuitable for anyone with a soul. So censorship isn't always such a bad thing. (Well, at least not the worst thing.) Yay...censorship?

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.