8 More Recent Movie Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

6. Michael Fassbender Was Secretly CGI During One Scene - The Killer

Saltburn Barry Keoghan

Even the most dedicated David Fincher lovers out there, those who have likely taken in his latest Michael Fassbender-starring flick on Netflix multiple times already, will have struggled to catch this surprising moment in The Killer.

During a sequence that sees Fassbender's titular assassin speeding through Paris on a moped, it was eventually revealed by the talented folks behind some of the flick's VFX that a decent portion of this scooting away from danger moment featured an entirely digital Fassbender at times.

As Wylie Co. VFX would reveal on X/Twitter recently, due to Fincher not being happy with the shots they'd captured on a virtual stage, a photo-realistic digital double had to be created for certain, and sometimes extreme close-up, shots.

The team were aiming to create a "nearly full CGI" shot that was so realistic, when cut into the live-action footage of Fassbender's Killer racing through the Parisian streets nobody would even be able to notice the incredibly detailed CGI.

And with fans already losing their minds over the reveal of this sometimes secretly quite digital Killer, it's safe to say they more than achieved their goal.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...