8 More Recent Movie Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

7. Nicolas Cage Only Shot For Three Hours And Didn't Do Most Of What Ended Up On Screen - The Flash

Saltburn Barry Keoghan
Warner Bros.

Easily one of the most bizarre and unexpected sequences to land in movie theatres this year, the arrival of Nicolas Cage's Kal-El as the multiverse begins to collapse in Andy Muschietti's The Flash wasn't just a surprise for fans, it shocked the actor himself when he finally caught it on the big-screen.

You see, while you may have understandably assumed this surprising cameo was created by using some of the old test footage for Tim Burton's cancelled Superman Lives flick that Cage was once set to star in, the actor actually eventually revealed that he was very much brought to set to shoot his moment.

As Cage would explain to Yahoo! Entertainment recently, all he was asked to do was to witness the destruction of the multiverse, with the star not having any dialogue and simply using his eyes to convey emotion during his hour or so filming the moment.

The actor had absolutely no clue he was going to be fighting a giant spider in the moments before his dramatic reveal, though - a cheeky nod to a crazy idea producer John Peters had in mind for the Superman reboot.

But while Cage may not have had to pretend to throw down with any giant arachnids during his brief time on set, it's still impossible to now sit through the long-awaited big-screen debut of that Super-suit without imagining the icon strutting around a soundstage in full Man of Steel mode.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...