8 Greatest Video Game Second Chances

7. No Man's Sky/Battlefront II

Dead island 2
Hello Games

Let's face it, you knew that these two games were going to feature in this list, and there's very little chance I'll be saying anything you haven't already heard a thousand times over when it come to detailing the spectacular failings of both No Man's Sky and Star Wars Battlefront II.

In fact, both games have such a similar villain origin story to redemption arc that it's possible to discuss both at the same time without having to change much of my verbiage! So let's go!

Out of the gate, both titles promised to be so much more than they could ever hope to deliver on, with pre-release hype building around features found to be either hugely inferior in the final product or straight up missing entirely. Then on launch, both titles sold extremely well before the public quickly got wise to the fact that there was something altogether shady about the experience and a PR Nightmare ensued, leading to the devs to respond in a manner that only invoked more frustration and ire.

Yet instead of slinking back into the shadows laughing like Tom from that one scene in Tom and Jerry that still haunts my dreams, both dev teams decided to double down and actually fix their !*$% games. Over a long period and a sustained release of exciting (and free) content, both titles were patched back into shape. Better still, the support continued, actually elevating the titles beyond the scope of even their original promises to the extent that at this current time each stands aloft as a genuinely great gaming experience.

It's been a rough road, but the outcome is the same. No Man's Sky/Star Wars Battlefront II is a fantastic game. Delete where appropriate.


Jules Gill hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.