8 Embarrassing Video Game Moments You Don't Want Anyone Seeing You Play

Just... don't come in my room for a bit.

Mr Libido

As a man in my 30s, it's very easy to look at the state of the gaming industry and see how far it's come even in my lifetime. It's not always been a smooth or indeed pleasant ride, but video games as they exist today have been accepted into the mainstream and thus the stigma of video games equating to unpopularity has all but dissipated.

And yet, for every video game that makes the world take notice and begin chants of video games as art forms, there are another ten that make us want to recoil thanks to sheer cringe or utterly embarrassing content. From the fetid swamp that are anime romance games, to titles that just make us look like idiots, there're a fair few experiences we'd likely not want on our permanent records, or for that matter, for our friends to see us playing.

Even in titles we assume would be safe to commit to, there are times when you'll be completely sidelined by WTF moments, sexual content that will make you shudder, and of course games trying too hard to be cool that will leave you red-faced if anyone were to walk in on your playing them.

Well, brace yourself, because we're looking at eight of these rascals today.

8. Atlantis Musical Section - Kingdom Hearts II

Mr Libido
Square Enix

When it was announced that the paths of Disney and Square Enix were crossing in order to make a new video game, a fair few eyebrows were raised. After all, one party specialized in telling extremely melodramatic, violent epics about war and turmoil, and the other made films aimed at children. The end result was shocking to many as it managed to blend the two very distinct forces together into a franchise that has gone on to amass millions of sales. However, it wasn't without its incredibly cringy moments.

While it would be easy to point at Mikey being presented as an edgelord, or the overwhelming references to heart, heart, light, darkness, heart, etc. the pure king of cringe came from the Atlantis level in Kingdom Hearts II which takes the form of a rhythm action singalong.

From start to finish, watching Sora and his gangly limbs flail about underwater like a guppy in the throes of death was so incredibly awkward, and when you remember the gravitas that the rest of the title was going for, felt skin crawling at every turn. And it was LONG. REAAAAALLL Long. To the point that you might have passed out from all the blood rushing to your face over such an extended period.

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