25 Best Zombie Movies Ever Made

1. Dawn Of The Dead (2004)

Zombie Girl Dawn Of The Dead 2004
Universal Pictures

George A. Romero’s original might be hailed as one of the greatest zombie movies of all time - with a social critique on commercialisation and capitalism whilst building upon the zombie law - but Dawn of the Dead surpassed and gave zombies that new edge they needed at the turn of the Millenium.

When Romero’s Trilogy of the Dead ended, it felt as if the zombie genre almost died along with it - that was until, 28 Days Later resurrected it in the early 2000s. By the time Zack Snyder’s 2004 violent remake hit screens the mainstream was once again hooked.

Zombies were scary again. From the opening as a young girl silhouetted in the doorway erupts into chaos to the climactic escape, Dawn of the Dead is a terrifying heart-pumping journey with a superior fleshed out cast of characters compared to the original. Even Andy from the gun store across the street feels grounds and an essential part of the film - he’s only ever seen holding up signs.

The plot also doesn’t rest on the tired dysfunctional human subplot as this group seem to work rather well together. Until dogs and a zombie baby go and ruin everything.

Dawn of the Dead 2004 is the perfect example of a remake done right as it stays true to Romero’s work, but perfects it for a new age. This is why it is the gold standard for zombie films and the one to beat going forward.

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Resident Evil Aficionado. Video Games & Fried Chicken are my passions. Occasionally some Wrestling. I used to work in Film & TV, but now I Write, Edit & Present for this website and its Youtube Channels.