20 Things You Somehow Missed In Thor: Ragnarok

Here is everything you missed in the God of Thunder's winning threequel - Thor: Ragnarok.

Thor Ragnarok Friend From Work
Marvel Studios

After the so-so depictions of Thor in the Dark World and Avengers: Age of Ultron, it was clear that the Mighty Avenger was in dire need of some kind of course correction. Fortunately, Taika Waititi and a game Chris Hemsworth delivered on this premise with the zany Thor: Ragnarok.

While Waititi's involvement in the MCU these days (as well as the overall tone of the Thor franchise) is divisive, Ragnarok felt like a breath of fresh air following its November 2017 release. Its irreverent humour, performances, character dynamics and exploration of the MCU's cosmic side won over critics and audiences and these factors gave it the best box office haul and reception among the Asgardian's four solo adventures.

While some have decried its relentless humour and detours into typical MCU trappings, it ultimately did a fair number of things right, chief among them getting audiences invested in Thor (as well as Hulk and Loki) in the lead up to the Infinity Saga's conclusion.

True to MCU fashion, the threequel's numerous moving parts are to both enhance the story's flow and remain subtle enough to be fully appreciated by fans of the gargantuan franchise.

20. It Was Originally Envisioned As The Darkest MCU Movie Up Until That Point

Thor Ragnarok Friend From Work
Marvel Studios

Seeing that the Taika Waititi-directed threequel is arguably the MCU's first comedy, it is hard to imagine it being anything but a whimsical affair with a healthy side of standard superhero fare. Despite this, there was a time when the project was going to be far different in tone from what we got.

Before the Jojo Rabbit director joined the project, Marvel higher-ups (Ike Perlmutter in particular) intended for it to be a grave affair, more in line with the implications behind having Ragnarok as a title. This can be reflected in the original logo for the sequel being a far cry from the vibrant version seen in the final product (as well as its initial July 2017 release date).

However, Chris Hemsworth and Kevin Feige's desire to make a lighter Thor film plus Waititi's eventual involvement meant that the picture would be more in line with most of the MCU.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.