20 Best Video Games Of 2023 - RANKED

19. Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line

theatrhythm final bar line

Nothing less than the best rhythm game since Rock Band, Final Bar Line is like if you took that old Neversoft approach to doing right by a body of music, and applied it to the entire history of Final Fantasy, replete with tracks from other Square Enix properties too.

A sequel/clean slate-wipe of two former 3DS games, visuals are notably threadbare, but are totally serviceable at letting you assemble a party of characters from over 30 years of releases, complete with unlockable moogle companions, and every airship the franchise has ever seen.

Gameplay-wise you're controlling everything through tapped and held button presses, sometimes with different directions to ape the score of the music itself, plus a few mind-breaking configurations of holding some digits while letting off others. On harder difficulties there are some furious combinations to keep up with, and thankfully even the immaculate Final Fantasy XVI score by Masayoshi Soken is now included as well.

2023 has low-key been the year of Final Fantasy, with the Pixel Remasters warmly received, FF XVI a top 10 GOTY contender, FF VII Rebirth demoing well, and even FF XIV going stronger than ever.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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