12 Musicians You Didn't Realise Have Truly Bizarre Alter Egos

1. Snoop Dogg Wears Whiteface, Calls Himself Todd (For No Apparent Reason)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pKeTHbTxHU As Joni Mitchell showed everyone, blackface is widely considered to be offensive, regardless of the context. But would it be equally offensive if, say, Snoop Dogg wore whiteface and "mimicked" Caucasian speak? Yes. Yes it would be. To prove this, Snoop started posting photos and videos like the one above to his Instagram account, calling himself Todd and plugging a fake website called WhiteGuysConnect, where "white guys look for fly, single females to connect with and have a good time." Todd lists his interests as "paintball, crochet and a little spoken word in my free time," all in an exaggerated 'frat bro' voice. And he does all this without promoting an upcoming project of any kind. Snoop was apparently just really bored and looking for an excuse to wear a turtleneck. Are there any others that deserve a mention? Let us know in the comments!

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.