10 Worst Video Game Sequels Of ALL TIME

Bombing their way into the history books.

duke nukem forever

No matter how solid a gaming franchise is, there's going to be at least one dud along the way. Resident Evil 6 is undoubtably the lowest point in Capcom's survival horror series. It's unmistakable that BioShock 2 didn't come close to matching the original. Super Mario Sunshine failed to hit the same standard as previous entries.

As disappointing as these follow-ups were, they weren't actually bad games in their own right. (Okay, RE6 was pretty rubbish.)

But the sequels on this list aren't just disappointing - They are abysmal, incomplete, or flat-out unplayable. Some of these stinkers are so unsalvageable, they destroyed their corresponding franchise's reputation or bankrupted the development team.

This games on this list are so god-awful, it feels like the creators put zero effort into developing them. Alternatively, some sequels try so hard to be innovative or reinvent themselves, they lose sight of what made their predecessors special in the first place.

If you thought Mass Effect 3, DmC, or Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare were the worst sequels ever, trust me - there are far, far worse out there.

10. Mega Man X7

duke nukem forever

When Mega Man X6 was met with scathing reviews, Capcom was eager to go in a new and bold direction for the next instalment. Although the X series always followed a standard 2D platform set-up, the developers revised Mega Man X7 into a cel-shaded third-person shooter which blended 2D and 3D graphics.

But because Capcom put so much focus on making X7 different, they forgot to make it... y'know... good. The weapons are unbalanced, the level design is lazy, the music is forgettable, and the gameplay is tedious.

The game also has a nasty habit of skipping dialogue during crucial moments. If a characters’ dialogue jumps to the next line before the previous line finishes, players can miss vital information, making it difficult to follow instructions or complete objectives.

Also, you can't play as Mega Man for the first-half of the game, despite being the title character! So... that's just false advertising!

Even though the franchise has always been strong in the boss department, the Reploids in this entry are uncreative and generic.

However, there's one boss who deserves special mention - Flame Hyneard. Because this guy keeps yelling "Burn to the ground!" for the whole battle, he's often regarded as one of the most annoying bosses in gaming. Although this sounds like a nitpick, Flame Hyenard's dialogue skipping, janky animations, and badly programmed fighting pattern perfectly demonstrates everything wrong with this dire sequel.


James Egan has written 80 books including 1000 Facts about Superheroes Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Horror Movies Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about The Greatest Films Ever Made Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about Video Games Vol. 1-3 1000 Facts about TV Shows Vol. 1-3 Twitter - @jameswzegan85