10 Worst Things Namor Has Ever Done

8. He Imprisoned Atlanteans - Secret Empire: Brave New World #1-5 (2017)

Namor Killing
Marvel Comics

Being a king, Namor's loyalty to Atlantis trumps all other matters, which has led to a lot of animosity when his kingdom comes into conflict with the surface. His devotion to his home is paramount, which is why his people hail him as a hero.

However, ruling a kingdom isn't easy. Sometimes, Namor needs to make decisions that will cause the Atlanteans to resent him, even if it's in their best interests.

When Hydra took over the world during the Secret Empire event, Namor could've helped the Avengers defeat the terrorist organisation. But because Atlantis would suffer heavy losses in such an assault, Namor decided not to engage.

To ensure no Atlanteans interacted with surface-dwellers, Namor had the kingdom sealed, and imprisoned anyone who questioned him. When his old Invader buddies, Jim Hammond and Toro, came to Atlantis to seek aid, he had them locked up as well.

In Namor's mind, his methods, although harsh, were necessary to ensure the safety of his people. But since his tyrannical reign incited a rebellion and multiple assassination attempts, the once-devoted Atlanteans saw their king as a monster.

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