10 Worst Things Carnage Has Done

The worst deeds committed by one of Marvel's sickest puppies.

By John Tibbetts /

Marvel has a lot of villains, but few are as terrifying and gruesome as Carnage. Cletus Kasady didn't need an alien symbiote's help to be a depraved freak, but he is certainly not complaining now that he has one. Carnage has been carving a bloody path through the Marvel universe ever since his introduction in the 90's.


Carnage's only reason for existence is to cause suffering to as many people as possible. So it stands to reason that there is a tier list for how much suffering he's caused.

From singlehandedly ruining one poor bastard's life to causing the deaths of hundreds of people, there are many ways to bring destruction and mayhem, and Carnage has made it his mission to explore them all. So let's see just how creative he's gotten with it over the years.

10. Killed An Entire Diner For No Reason - Deadpool Vs Carnage

If you know nothing else about Carnage, know this: the guy needs basically no reason to do the things he does. Case in point, the time in Deadpool Vs Carnage where he slaughtered an entire diner's worth of people for reasons that make sense only to him.


Hell, dude might not have had reasons. When your name is "Carnage" you don't really NEED reasons to slaughter everyone in your path. It's kinda in your job description. So it goes, then, that while waiting for Deadpool to arrive for the title bout, Carnage decided to pass the time by sealing a bunch of poor innocent people inside of a diner and then, one by one, brutally kill every man, woman and child.

It's a genuinely chilling display of hatred and murder, that - this being a Deadpool comic primarily - you would think would be played for laughs. But there is nothing funny about what's going on here. And it makes you want to see Deadpool do what he does best to Carnage's dumb face.
