10 Worst Injuries Star Trek Characters Actually Survived

The Star Trek Universe is a pretty dangerous place when you get right down to it.

Patrick Stewart Star Trek

Whoever said that appearing in Star Trek meant you were in for a safe ride flat out lied to your face. This is a show where limbs get severed, organs are harvested and simply being a Bajoran comes with enough trauma to keep Counsellor Troi booked up for months. But do you know what else the Star Trek universe is full of? Survivors. Many, many survivors.

Almost every member of the various crews has been through one calamity or another, which just makes them more impressive as time goes on. The audience catches themselves wondering how on earth some of these faces get by after the violence they've encountered. Surely, surely they must crack from time to time? And who could blame them if they did?

Now we do hope that those dealing with these various types of pain learn to deal with their emotions better than that one Vulcan who decided a TR-116 rifle was the best way to go, but thank god for Joran Dax on that one!

This is a list proving that just because you stubbed your toe once or twice, you don't know what real trauma is! Ever got so drunk you were legless? Talk to Nog.

10. Seven's Assimilation

Patrick Stewart Star Trek

While she was just a little girl, Annika Hansen was assimilated by the Borg Collective. She was injected with nanoprobes, placed in a maturation chamber, and forced to become a drone. Along the way, many of her human components were thrown away as scrap. Her hair follicles were killed, her DNA was altered, and various body parts were swapped out for Borg technology,

She also faced the loss of an eye. It was replaced with a Borg piece of hardware that actually improved her visual acuity, though at the loss of certain aesthetics. Overall, the transformation from a regular human child into a drone was an incredibly traumatic experience.

Added to this was the psychological impact of her abduction. Though she spent longer in the Collective than out of it, she grew resentful of her parents, whose obsession with the Borg led to their capture. She came face to face with her father only once more after being freed by Captain Janeway, as he was still very much under the Queen's control.

Seven's struggles to regain her humanity were met with obstacles, not least those that existed within her body. Were it not for Kes, microscopic pieces of hardware could have fried her brain when she was barely days away from the Hive.

Seven's survival was not guaranteed at any point, though with the help of her crewmates and a determination that was rarely matched, she made it through.


Writer. Reader. Podcast Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check out my weekly podcast on all things....well all things film! Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick or at the website https://seanferrick.wordpress.com/