10 Worst Horror Movies Of 2022

Jeepers Creepers Reborn has to be seen to be believed.

By Josh Brown /

As we've mentioned a lot on WhatCulture Horror, 2022 has been a great year for horror movies. In terms of sheer volume, there has been so much for genre fans to sink their teeth into and even better, the hit rate has been high.


Of course, no hit rate is ever perfect, and while we've enjoyed excellent sequels, long overdue reboots and imaginative new stories across the last twelve months, we've also had to endure a couple stinkers.

Now, some of these hurt more than others. Some returning franchises promised the world and delivered the dog's dinner, while other intriguing concepts were left to wither and die in shoddy movies that didn't deserve them. Either way, we all left the following movies wondering why we'd bothered in the first place.

Just a note before we begin. As mentioned, there have been so many releases this year that this list is by no means definitive or exhaustive. Some flicks with terrible reputations like The Requin and The Mean One didn't release in the UK before writing this list, while some others simply slipped through the net.

With that in mind then, these are the worst horror movies 2022 had to offer.

10. Choose Or Die

I'm a sucker for horror movies where someone has to play a demented game in order to either a) make it out alive or b) secure themselves heaps of cash. However with the exception of Saw, the majority of these movies never quite live up to their premises and sadly you can lump in this year's Choose or Die with the worst offenders.


On paper this flick sounds like it's going to own: in it, our hero Kayla is cursed after playing an old-school horror video game, and as such has to complete a series of challenges in the real world before she and her loved ones end up in mortal danger. In practice there are some standout set pieces as well - including a brilliantly nasty one that I won't spoil involving a rat - but overall the flick never quite comes together, and will leave you frustrated at the missed potential.

When you have Asa Butterfield, Eddie Marsan and Robert-freakin'-Englund at your disposal, there's no reason for your horror film to be this un-memorable.
