10 Weird Times Star Trek Characters Changed Divisions

Which uniforms switcheroos in Star Trek made you ask what the heck is happening here?

Star Trek Next Generation Colours TNG Division Changes Data Riker Picard
CBS Media Ventures

Everyone knows that Picard wears red, Kirk wears gold, and Worf wears gold, right? Well, you’d be almost right - these statements are both true AND false, depending on the day. Well, thanks for dropping by - there’s the list done!

Now, maybe there’s more to it than that - as we’ve said, Picard wears red - so what was he doing in blue in Tapestry? Isn’t that weird? Isn’t it wild? Well, perhaps that might mean very little to the casual viewer, but when one sees things a certain way week in, week out, change can be as challenging as anything this universe has to offer.

Let us then explore those times that a simple change of costume made us wonder exactly what in the Great Bird Of The Galaxy was really going on!

10. Lt. Leslie - Just Where Did He Really Work?

Star Trek Next Generation Colours TNG Division Changes Data Riker Picard

Eddie Paskey is one of the most recognisable faces in Star Trek: The Original Series, though his voice was scarcely heard. He was more than likely stationed in the background of a scene, and more often than not, he donned the scarlet target of the Red Shirt divisions.

Yet this has to be said for the man - Leslie made it, dammit!

He bears the honour of being one of the few recurring cast members to wear the colour red, but there may well be a reason for this - he wasn’t confined to that single shade.

Throughout his tenure on the Enterprise, Leslie would be seen in both blue and gold as well, and while this may or may not have been the plan all along, it is entirely possible the division changes saved the officer’s life. Leslie would be one of the earliest examples of a division change that gave us pause - we like things a certain way, don’t go changing it on us now.

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Writer. Reader. Podcast Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check out my weekly podcast on all things....well all things film! Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick or at the website https://seanferrick.wordpress.com/