10 Video Game Protagonists We Hated

1. Frey - Forspoken

Forspoken Frey
Square Enix

Unlike the vast majority of the games on this list, 2023 action game Forspoken from Square Enix was not well received. In fact, it was pretty universally criticised for its overly basic combat, incredibly awkward dialogue, and poor pacing.

One fact that undoubtedly didn’t help it along was protagonist Frey.

Written with an inundating level of Whedon-speak which just doesn’t play in 2023 like it did in the 90s, the fish-out-of-water narrative of a young New Yorker being transported to a magical land is told with about as much subtlety as a hammer. Unfortunately, there isn’t much nuance to Frey’s characterisation either as her quips come off far more cringey and one-note than entertaining.

Another gigantic problem with her is she tends to talk to herself. Like, a lot. While undoubtedly intended to be charming and relatable, the dialogue which is riddled with complaints and awkward sarcasm simply falls flat.

Just like the game will. When you put it down. Assuming you bought a hard copy. Or like, metaphorically. Anyway, you get it.


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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.