10 Video Game DLCs Better Than The Game

9. Octo Expansion - Splatoon 2

Xcom 2 war of the chosen

Make no mistake, the original Splatoon 2 is a damn fun game, especially in its multiplayer suite, but the Octo Expansion released almost a year later? Even better.

As compulsively enjoyable as the base game's multiplayer is, the single-player campaign was, like the first Splatoon, a little lacking. It's certainly not bad, but simplistic to a fault and just not terribly interesting.

The Octo Expansion, however, feels like what Splatoon 2's launch campaign should've been - a varied, story-packed, and impressively challenging single-player offering that constantly switches up the gameplay style compared to the original's more staid, by-the-numbers structure.

You can certainly sneer at Nintendo and accuse them of basically dumbing down the main campaign in order to sell this more fleshed out one to fans later on, but at least the terrifically inventive new 80-level story felt absolutely worth the $20 asking price.

If the original game gave you meat and potatoes, Octo Expansion served up a platter of honey roast duck with all the trimmings.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.