10 Things You Missed In Star Wars Deleted Scenes

Did you know about Han Solo's girlfriend in A New Hope?

By Jack Pooley /

Star Wars is one the biggest and most detail-dense franchises in the history of not only cinema, but pop-culture as a whole.


It's simply impossible for any one person to glean every last sliver of information George Lucas' space opera IP is overflowing with, and so it's easy for fans to miss small but important details.

But this is true of not only the material that actually made it into the movies but also that which didn't.

Across the franchise there are literally hundreds of scenes which either didn't make the cut at all or were severely edited down for one of many reasons, often leaving intriguing details on the cutting room floor in the process.

And though many of Star Wars' most fascinating deleted scenes have gotten plenty of attention in their own right, they're also still brimming with details that are easily glossed over by all but the most attentive and eagle-eyed of fans.

And so, there's a fair chance you missed these subtle yet meaningful and worthwhile slivers which were cut from the Star Wars movies, yet have thankfully been preserved in one form or another...

10. The First On-Screen Mention Of The Sith - A New Hope

Nobody could blame you for assuming that the Sith weren't mentioned in any of the Star Wars movies up until The Phantom Menace, even if the term was included in both George Lucas' original script for A New Hope and its subsequent novelisation by Alan Dean Foster.


But a never-before-seen deleted scene from the film was finally unearthed and shown at 2017's Star Wars Celebration, revealing that the word was actually originally spoken aloud during an extended version of the meeting scene onboard the Death Star.

The scene shows General Tagge (Don Henderson) saying of Darth Vader (David Prowse), "This Sith Lord sent by the Emperor will be our undoing."

It's rather jarring to hear the word said in the very first Star Wars movie considering that George Lucas didn't officially include it in any of the series' films for more than 20 years after this.

It's a minor cut in the grand scheme of things, but certainly would've been a welcome inclusion in retrospect.
