10 Things You Didn't Know About Will Ferrell

There's more to this funny man than anyone should ever hope to understand.

There's a lot more to Will Ferrell than meets the eye. Literally and figuratively. He's a big guy in every sense of the word, from his height to his girth to his outrageous sense of spectacle. Unless you're his mother (and I told you not to read my articles anymore, Betty Kay!), it's highly unlikely that you know everything there is to know about Will Ferrell. Considering how much the general population obsesses over every little thing that celebrities do, it's impressive that Will has managed to keep much of his personal life under wraps. Indeed, it's almost as if some celebrities don't want us to know everything about them. How strange! Still, there are some sides of Will Ferrell that we wish he would have tried a little harder to hide. For there are things that man is not meant to see. And there are things that man cannot un-see. And there is only so many times man can tolerate seeing Will Ferrell's ass...

10. He Has His Own Brand Of "Sexy" Sun Tan Lotion

Available on Amazon for the low, low price of $19.95, Will Ferrell's Super Sexy Hot Tan lotion prominently features a picture of its spokesman flaunting some partial cheek, wearing nothing but some a skanky red speedo and a "come hither" smile. In other words, don't leave this bottle sitting on your nightstand when you go to sleep, or you're going to be too flustered receiving that viral gaze to get a good night's rest. The sunscreen is advertised as being made with a special "Streaking Strength" formula, just in case you're looking for to show your goods to the whole university without getting a nasty sunburn. But seriously, the cool thing about this product is that 100 percent of the proceeds go towards the Cancer for College's College Willpower Scholarship Fund, which grants scholarships to cancer survivors who are unable to afford addition schooling because of their heaping medical bills.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.