10 Supervillains Who Made Other Supervillains

8. Madelyne Pryor (Created By Mister Sinister)

Absolute Carnage
Marvel Comics

After Jean Grey seemingly died, her boyfriend, Scott Summers, was stricken with grief. Shortly after, he fell in love and married a woman called Madelyne Pryor, who had an uncanny resemblance to Jean.

However, Madelyne's similarity to Scott's former partner wasn't a coincidence. It was eventually revealed that Madelyne was a clone of Jean created by Mister Sinister. Sinister believed Jean and Scott had the right genes to create a perfect mutant offspring, which he would use to rule the world. Shortly after Madelyne gave birth to her son, Nathaniel, Apocalypse seemingly killed him by infecting him with a techno-organic virus.

Believing her son to be dead, Madelyne was shaken to her core. To make matters worse, Scott abandoned his wife when he learned Jean was alive. Madelyne became so fragile, Sinister was able to twist her mind so she perceived Scott and the rest of the X-Men as her greatest enemies.

Despite the fact her son was later revealed to be alive (and he was also Cable), it was too late. Madelyne had been driven mad by Sinister's manipulation and had become incontrovertibly evil.


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