10 Supernatural Horror Movies Where Nobody Dies

9. The Gate (1987)

Amityville Horror 2005
Alliance Entertainment

You've got to love eighties "kids" horror movies. They traumatised youngsters in a way that helped shape a generation of horror lovers, and The Gate is a fine example of it. Still, while the film definitely freaked people out, it ultimately turned out alright for everyone involved.

This cult classic is a delightful movie about some youngsters who accidentally release a horde of demons into their home. Oh, everyone's been there, right?

Naturally, having a bunch of monsters roaming about seems like a recipe for bloodshed, but while they are terrifying, they don't manage to kill anyone.

The film does have some victims, including Angus the Dog and a construction worker. However, the former gets revived by the end (yay!), and the latter dies years before the events of the flick.

Ultimately, the movie's PG-13 rating and lack of death doesn't give it an excuse to skimp on the scares. It's a freaky movie that packs a punch thanks to its charming visual effects, creepy monsters, and sense of danger.

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