10 Star Trek Villains With Lame Deaths

From hell's heart, I stab at thee! From Star Trek's exits, I beg thee to remember me!

Lame Duras Sisters Death Star Trek Generations
Paramount Pictures

The exits that Star Trek offers its villains are usually memorable, to say the least. Khan went out in a fit of rageful revenge, while the Borg Queen melted in a cloud of plasma.

Spoilers, I guess.

The sad truth is that not every villain receives an exit that stands to their stature. Some get vaporized, while some get blasted into space. One or two get forgotten, and then there are those that get relegated to the dark wasteland of archive footage.

Let us look at this list as an example of those villains who deserved better. Failing that, let's look at this list as an example of villains who were maybe, possibly, a little too memorable for these dull flumps of endings.

And don't even get us started on the one Starfleet captain on this list...

10. Shinzon

Lame Duras Sisters Death Star Trek Generations

There is and has been plenty said about Star Trek: Nemesis on this channel. Tom Hardy's performance as Shinzon is generally one of the brighter spots in the film, with the visuals, and music also combining as the film's saving graces.

The entire project feels slightly tired though, with this feeling no more on display than in Shinzon's death. There are a few moments of tussle where he fights with Picard, before both men end up alongside the Theleron generator. Shinzon should be the infinitely better fighter, having been raised in the brutal conditions of the Reman dilithium mines.

Instead, he is skewered by a metal beam that Picard literally rips off the wall. This begs the questions - is Picard now so strong that metal means nothing to him? Or has the metal become so weakened on the Scimitar that it is easily breakable? If the latter, then why was it able to penetrate Shinzon's chest?

Honestly, at this point in the film, everyone feels like they're ready for things to just end, so you know what? Fair play Shinzon, head out on your own terms.

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Writer. Reader. Podcast Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check out my weekly podcast on all things....well all things film! Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick or at the website https://seanferrick.wordpress.com/