10 Star Trek Actors Who Became Directors

Deliver the line, shout CUT, and watch these Star Trek actors cross the final frontier.

Riker Johnathan Frakes Doug Jones Saru Directing Star Trek Discovery TNG Next Generation
CBS Media Ventures

Star Trek has turned out some of the finest acting talent in SciFi history, but that talent extends beyond the camera as well. From its earliest cast to its most recent, there are examples of those major players donning the director's cap and successfully taking the reigns.

There are of course those examples where one might laugh at the end result - looking at you Star Trek V - but one must also bear in mind that what the audience finally sees does not always factor the challenges that the director faces.

Five of the thirteen currently released movies have been directed by Trek actors, along with dozens of episodes. Not all land as intended, yet all bear interesting tales of decisions, tests, and reviewer's dreams when it comes to stories.

Let's also give a little love to Garrett Wang, the only Trek actor who sought to direct, only to be turned down by the studio. Dear god, is there anything that Trek WILL let this man do?

10. René Auberjonois

Riker Johnathan Frakes Doug Jones Saru Directing Star Trek Discovery TNG Next Generation
CBS Media Ventures

Though audiences would know him best as Odo, René Auberjonois also directed eight episodes of Deep Space Nine. The first episode, Prophet Motive, would prove to be a challenge for him. He remarked that it was like 'leading an army into battle,' as there were relentless questions that needed answering. He quipped that this, and making decisions, were things he truly didn't enjoy doing.

His catalogue would include some of the all-time great episodes, like Waltz, but also Let He Who Is Without Sin... Unfortunately, this episode ranks among the lowest of the series. To be very fair, this was an episode that faced numerous behind-the-scenes issues. One such example was that Terry Farrell required a tent between shoots, as she couldn't be in direct sunlight for too long. The production had forgotten to source one, so Auberjonois himself had to chase one down.

Another issue was that the location scouted was covered in spiny tackburrs, a plant with thorns that easily poked through skin - hardly a fun addition to a beach shoot.

Despite the challenges, Auberjonois would direct episodes all the way into the seventh season, ending with Strange Bedfellows.

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Writer. Reader. Podcast Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check out my weekly podcast on all things....well all things film! Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick or at the website https://seanferrick.wordpress.com/