10 Rock Bands Who Broke World Records

8. The Stone Roses - Fastest-Selling Rock Concerts In UK History

Had British band The Stone Roses stuck around for longer into the 1990s, they likely would have found themselves on the same pedestal as Blur, Oasis, and Pulp.

Their self-titled debut release was Britpop before Britpop existed, but they could only manage to put out one more before various disasters led to their break-up in 1996. However, because no band is every truly broken up, the Roses got back together in 2011.

The band would tour the UK and Europe over the summer of 2012, with the centrepiece of this leg being three dates at Heaton Park in their home city of Manchester. Through a combination of their lengthy hiatus, their cult status, and hometown pride, tickets to these shows became very desirable.

150,000 tickets for the first two shows sold out in just 14 minutes. This prompted more tickets to be released for the third show just half-an-hour later, and those sold out in 38 minutes.

The Heaton Park gigs hold the record for the "Fastest-Selling Rock Concerts in UK History", partly because The Stone Roses rule, but mostly because nostalgia is one hell of a drug.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.