10 Reasons Why The New 52 Did Not Work

8. Intriguing New Ideas Were Quickly Abandoned

New 52 Textless
DC Comics

To be fair, the New 52 was not a complete disaster. Despite jettisoning great Pre-52 stories and drastic character overhauls, the company revamp had its fair share of potentially intriguing content, at first. For starters, DC revived the WildStorm imprint and developed stories under less popular genres such as Westerns, horror and war stories.

This undertaking offered long-time DC followers and newcomers a wealth of material to go through, as well as a nice alternative to the dominant superhero genre for those who wanted something else. Unfortunately, the publishing company's editorial board unsurprisingly but disappointingly cancelled most of these stories, and instead focused on its stalwart characters and teams.

This incensed many readers, especially those who welcomed the reprieve from multiple Batman and Superman stories and/or were fans of the above mentioned genres. Additionally, this wave of cancellation had the misfortune of seeing the already few PoC-led stories dwindle considerably.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.