10 Pairs Of Famous Rock Albums That Came Out On The Same Day

8. This Note’s For You - Neil Young & Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son - Iron Maiden

Rather unsurprisingly, Neil Young was not a fan of the more commercialised direction he felt rock was heading in during the 1980s.

Instead of writing to his local paper or starting a petition, Young decided to make an entire album about his frustrations and call it This Note's for You, a parody of a Budweiser slogan from the time.

The Crazy Horse absolutely rips into his peers in this scathing takedown of sponsorship culture. The music video for the title track was actually banned from MTV over its incorporation of the likenesses of Eric Clapton, Genesis, and Michael Jackson, who catches fire during the video.

You can see why his lawyers may have been upset.

Meanwhile, over in the UK, Iron Maiden launched their seventh album on the exact same day, April 11th 1988.

Whilst not nearly as satirical as Young's effort, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son did bring some absolute bangers into the world, including The Evil That Men Do, Can I Play with Madness, and Infinite Dreams.

Hopefully that last one wasn't an advert for a mattress company, otherwise Neil will be coming for you, Maiden!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.